Using ClemsonJobLink

How to Find a Job in ClemsonJobLink?

  1. Login to ClemsonJobLink.
  2. At the top select the “Jobs” tab in orange. Underneath jobs click on the “ClemsonJobLink Postings.”
  3. Under Jobs click on “Advanced Search” to the right of the screen.
  4. In advanced search select “Show Me” then select “All Jobs & Interviews” and “Position Type” then select “More Filters” at the bottom of the page on the right.
  5. Select “Majors/Concentrations” and choose your major. For a more focused search, on the right select “yes” to “Ignores jobs with All Majors selected.” This search will be more focused with your major. If you are interested in seeing all jobs then select “No” under this selection or just leave blank.
  6. Click “Submit.”
  7. A list of positions will appear for you to review and click on the job title for more information on how to apply.
  8. If you want more filters turned on you will not see as many positions posted.
  9. If you do not see very many positions or none at all for your specific major, go back to; select “Majors/Concentrations” and choose your college. The results will give you a broader search as some employers list colleges’ verses majors.

Apply For a Position

  1. After reviewing the job description, you will see the instruction on how to apply for this position under “WANT THIS JOB?” Follow the company’s instructions, as some positions will require you to submit a resume on their website verses through ClemsonJobLink.
  2. If the instructions read “Apply” under “WANT THIS JOB?” click on “Apply.” The instructions will state what documents the company is requesting, which you can scroll down to select the document and press “Submit” for completing the application process.
  3. If you do not have that document such as a cover letter or unofficial transcript resume, click “Add New” and browse your computer for the document you wish to use.

***You will need to have an uploaded resume in ClemsonJobLink before being able to apply for any positions.

Search by Employer

  1. At the top select the “Employers” tab in orange. Underneath employers click on the “Employer Directory.”
  2. Type the employer name in the “Keywords.” The employer’s name will appear if they have registered an account with us.
  3. Select the employers name to learn a brief overview of the employer and current positions.

***You will need to have an uploaded resume in ClemsonJobLink before being able to apply for any positions.

Position Types

  • Full-time: Positions for those who will be graduating or have graduated and looking for full-time employment.
  • Fellowship: Short-term opportunities that are sponsored by a specific association or organization seeking to expand leadership in their field.
  • Internship (Off-campus): Part-time or full-time opportunities related to a student’s major/career interests; can be completed in the summer or during a semester at an employer located outside of Clemson’s campus.
  • Internship (UPIC Program): Part-time or full-time opportunities related to a student’s major/career interests; can be completed in a summer or during a semester and is located in a department on Clemson’s campus.
  • On Campus Internship (Non-UPIC): Part-time or full-time opportunities related to a student’s major/career interests; can be completed in the summer or during a semester and is located on Clemson’s campus.
  • Part-time (Off-campus): Part-time employment opportunities at businesses in Clemson and the surrounding area.
  • Part-time (On-campus): Part-time employment opportunities with departments on Clemson’s campus.