Welcome to the Marketing Community! Learn more here about the different career paths you can pursue, get resources to start your career journey, and take the next steps to pursue career opportunities.

People who are interested in Marketing might be interested in careers that are heavily focused on planning, managing and performing marketing activities to reach organizational objectives.

To discuss career opportunities and how to prepare for roles in this interest area, schedule an appointment with a career counselor through Clemson Job Link.

Career Pathways

Common career pathways associated with Marketing include but are not limited to:

  • Marketing Managers
  • Advertising and Promotions Managers
  • Public Relations Specialists
  • Sales Managers
  • Advertising Sales Agents
  • Market Research Analysts
  • Sales Engineers

View the O*Net Online website to see more career pathways for Marketing. To learn about post-graduation outcomes of Clemson students who have received a bachelor’s degree, visit the Career Outcomes page.

Experiential Learning & Enrichment Activities

Engaging in academic and co-curricular experiences allows you to learn by doing and develop core competencies that equip you for life after Clemson. Additionally, these opportunities can help you to build confidence, explore interests, and experience varied organizations while expanding your professional network.

Consider the following academic and co-curricular opportunities:

Campus Resources


Labor Market InsightsIn partnership withLightcast logo

First, choose an industry of interest, then filter for occupation. (If you'd like to see data for a specific location only, filter by state.)

Type in a keyword to select a relevant occupation. (If you'd like to see data for a specific location only, filter by state.)

Contact & Location

(864) 656-6000

Third Floor, Hendrix Student Center
720 McMillan Road
Clemson, SC 29634

Career Service Hours

Monday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Thursday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm