Parents and Families

As a family member, we know you are invested in your student’s success at Clemson University.  We are committed to preparing your student for professional employment or graduate school.  Our mission is to engage students in career development and experiential learning activities that will empower them to successfully pursue their educational and professional goals.  We offer many career development programs, resources, and services to assist them on this journey.  We invite you to explore our site to see what we offer our students.

Frequently Asked Questions

We help students from the time of their first class on campus, up to a year after they graduate. So, please encourage your student to call our office or stop by during our office hours to schedule an appointment or stop by for a drop-in.

We offer several career assessments that can hopefully provide your student with more insight into their work-related skills, abilities, and values. Taking one of these assessments and having one of our career counselors interpret the results is a good first step in the major exploration process.

Some majors have specific careers for which they prepare students. Other majors can prepare students for multiple fields or further education and training in graduate or professional programs. We offer many resources that are helpful in researching specific career fields’ responsibilities, training/educational requirements, salary, and hiring project insights.

Students can utilize ClemsonJobLink, CareerShift, and GoinGlobal to search for internship and full-time job openings. Students should also remember to use their personal networks when looking for positions (friends, family, peers, professors, mentors, etc.). We also encourage all students to attend our fall and spring career fairs.

The Cooperative Education Program (Co-op Program) is a dynamic academic program that offers students the opportunity to develop professional skill sets prior to graduation. Through this rigorous experiential learning program, students can put into practice what they learn in the classroom while gaining the substantial experience and the “learning by doing” that companies expect of new hires.


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Contact & Location

(864) 656-6000

Third Floor, Hendrix Student Center
720 McMillan Road
Clemson, SC 29634

Career Service Hours

Monday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Thursday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm