Internship Prep Program | Tigers on Track

Tigers on Track is a cohort-based internship preparation program and academic course for first-generation and Pell/Federal Work-Study-eligible undergraduate students at Clemson. The program is designed to equip students with the knowledge they need to secure and succeed in an internship. Students who participate in this program will get insight into the hidden curriculum that surrounds internships and hands-on support throughout every step of the internship process. 

The Tigers on Track program runs in both the Fall and Spring semesters. Interested students should complete an application for the program the semester before they wish to participate in it. Applications for the Spring cohort open in October, and applications for the Fall cohort open in March.

Program involvement includes enrollment and participation in an academic course with Canvas content and in-person evening classes. For the Spring 2025 semester, classes will take place on Thursday evenings from 5:00-7:45pm.

Students who successfully complete the program will be awarded a $500 professional development stipend and certificate. The course will also count towards 3 credit hours of the global challenges general education requirement.

As a result of participating in this course, students will be able to…

  • Explain the importance of networking basics, maintaining connections, and interacting in the workplace through implementing the core competencies.
  • Identify the steps they need to take to secure an internship.
  • Discuss the importance of ongoing professional development and ways they can implement it into their career.
  • Outline the steps they must take once they secure an internship and goals to accomplish while completing an internship.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking through reflection and analysis of their worldview of global challenges from a professional development lens.
  • Critically evaluate how varying perspectives on work and economic growth differ based on influences of socioeconomic status and familial education backgrounds.

Click the button below and complete the application by the posted due date, the semester before you wish to participate. All undergraduate students who are first-generation and/or qualify for Pell/Federal Work-Study are eligible to apply.

Please email Lia Fiore at

Lilly Holder

Spring ’24 Program Alumna

Group of students from the Spring 2024 cohort wearing orange polos and holding Tigers on Track sign
In Spring 2024 we launched a pilot of Tigers on Track. This cohort of students is the first to graduate from the program!